The lives of the Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet ﷺ are a treasury of knowledge, guidance and inspiration.

Course Description
Stories of the Sahaba
The lives of the Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet ﷺ are a treasury of knowledge, guidance and inspiration.
9-16 yrs
Saturday 4 - 6pm

Ustadha Iman Islam started studying the sacred knowledge under the tutelage of Shaykha Safia Shahid at the age of nine. She attended several classes on various Islamic disciplines over the years, such as Fiqh, Aqidah, Hadith, Arabic, Tajwid and others. In 2013 she progressed to the Scholarship Course and studied many texts of the Islamic scholarly tradition. In 2014, under the guidance of Shaykha Safia, she began teaching Arabic Level 1 classes for women at the Jamatia Islamic Centre in Sparkhill. In 2016, Ustadha Iman also began teaching Tajwid classes as well as Arabic Level 2 classes. She has benefited many sisters over the years, including reverts, and has helped them reach their goals of acquiring the Sacred Knowledge alhamdulillah. In 2017, Ustadha Iman taught Women’s Muslim College courses after its launch in Birmingham, including the Certificate in Portrait of the Prophet ﷺ - Muslimah Youth. She also held many monthly gatherings of Prophetic Prayers ﷺ.